Themed Rounds
1. The standard set of the board game Articulate! contains how many cards? (5% either way)
2. Buzkashi is a sport in which horse-mounted players attempt to place a goat or calf carcass in a goal. Of which Central Asian country is it the national sport?
3. In water polo, how many players are allowed, per team, in the water at any one time?
4. Which stadium serves as both the principal stadium and headquarters of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA)
5. In 10 pin bowling, how many strikes does a player need to bowl in order to score a perfect 300?
6. Which water sport is being added to the Tokyo Olympic Games?
1. 500
(accept 450-550)
2. Afghanistan
3. 7
4. Croke
5. 12
6. Surfing